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Image by henry perks


ZMS405 is a very early white medium-tall and medium-thick stem double cross hybrid with lightly pigmented internodes and medium-long light green plant color. The cobs are fairly long and uniform in size with medium-size hard semi-flint grain color.

Plant Stem.png

Plant and Stem

Height: Tall (240-260 cm)

Seedling Vigor: Good

Anthocyanic pigmentation of the internodes: Present

Anthocyanic pigmentation of the nodes: Absent

Anthocyanic pigmentation of the brace roots: Absent

Cob height: Medium

Silks 3.png


Anthesis Days: 55-57 days)

Silking Days: 57-59 days

Silk Colour: Present (light Pink)

Intensity of anthocyanin: Medium low

Maize Leaf.png


Numbers: 12-14

Length of blade: Medium Long

Colour: Medium Green

AHitude: Curved

Pubescence: Absent





Cob shape: Long Cylindrical

Diameter: medium

Number of rows: 14-16

Color of core: White

Husk cover: Good



Time of emergence: Early (51-53 days)

Anthocyanin on glumes (Tassel colour): Present

Size of tassel: Medium-large

Number of Lateral Branches: Many

Attitude of Branches: Slightly re-curved

Spike-let Density: Medium

Glum base anthocyanin ring: Strong



Size: Medium

Colour: White

Shape: Semi-flat

Texture: Hard

Weight of 1000 grains: 33g

Shelling %: 81

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